A Higher Standard In Scoring Wine

The EWS Difference:

  • Context

    No consumer only cares about the flavor of a wine. Sure, a wine must taste good, but it also must BE good. EWS ensures that the production of the wine is evaluated as well.

  • Objectivity

    Rather than the subjective tastes of a single “expert” determining the score of your wine, EWS evaluates your wine against benchmarked, standardized metrics, and at least 3 certified wine professionals determine its sensory score.

  • Transparency

    EWS provides a comprehensive list of its scoring metrics so that you can know exactly why you received the score you did, and how you can improve it in future wines.

  • Rigor

    EWS researches every wine submitted for scoring, and reviews the multiple submission materials thoroughly. Multiple tasters provide sensory evaluation.

  • Recognition

    EWS provides free public listing of all wines scored in the EWS online Score Directory, with the producer’s permission.