A wine score is meaningless without rigorous and contextual evaluation.

Get a wine score that actually matters.


The Ecological Wine Score, or EWS, will soon be the only one wine score that matters in wine shops across the nation and around the world.

The EWS is the new standard for the best wine in the world, because greatness can only be judged in context.

We accept wines of any type, made with any fruit, and can be co-fermented with non-fruit (flowers, honey, herbs, etc.) ingredients. Please include source information for all ingredients. We use “wine” as an all-inclusive term for any fermented fruit beverage.

To have your wines scored on this new ecological scale, please send your bottles or cans, with the below requested information, to:

Ecological Wine Score
3953 Somerset Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90008

With the submission of your wine, the following information is also required*:

  1.      Payroll & benefits data for all employees who worked in the source vineyards/orchards/farms/fields/forests and winery for the entirety of the vintage year. Please clearly show hourly rates or salaries and lists of all benefits given with their value, as well as length of employment for each worker.

  2. Description of any training or education offered, to which employees.

  3. Description of hiring practices.

  4. Please answer: Where is the owner’s/owners’ primary residence/s? How close does the owner/s live to the winery? How close does the owner/s live to the vineyard/orchard/farm/field/forest?

  5. Describe the winery’s integration into its local community. This may include charitable efforts within the local community, social events and outreach, support and engagement from the local community, etc.

  6.       List of all source vineyard/orchard/farm/field/forest inputs and frequency of application. This includes water, fertilizers, cover crop seeds, composts, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, manures, etc. Please include specific product names where applicable.

  7.       If water is an input, please describe the irrigation system, frequency of watering, and total gallons of water used for irrigation during the entire vintage year.

  8.       List all certifications (organic, biodynamic, SIP, etc.) and include certificate for the vintage year.

  9.       Soil test results from, at minimum, the vintage year and previous 2 years showing soil organic matter content, (Not necessary for foraged fruit from preserved natural areas), as well as description of soil type.

  10.       Description of tillage regime, if any, and photos of the source vineyard/orchard/farm/field/forest from April, May, June, and September of the vintage year.

  11.       Description of wildlife habitat created or maintained around and/or within the vineyard/orchard/farm/field/forest, with photos.

  12. Describe any and all methods of wildlife exclusion, including deer fencing, bird netting, sound repellents, poisons, traps, etc., with photos.

  13.       History and provenance of the source vineyard/orchard/farm/field/forest including: how and when the land was cleared, previous use of land, specifications of clones and rootstocks used, the age of the vines/trees, size in acres of the vineyard/orachard/farm, designated viticultural or agricultural area, and specific location/address.

  14.       List of motorized equipment used in both vineyard/orchard/farm/field/forest and winery, source of energy used to power them, and total liters of fuel used during entire vintage year (if any).

  15.    List of all domesticated animals used in the source vineyard/orchard/farm/field/forest, with descriptions of management practices, and any certifications related to animal welfare. Please include photos.

  16. List of any other vineyard management practices with schedule of use. (For example: mechanical mowing, hoeing, weed-whacking.

  17.    Description of winemaking.

  18.    List of any and all ingredients added to the grapes during winemaking, and amount added.

  19.    List of any and all mechanical processes used on the wine including: filtration (what kind and why employed?), flash détente, pasteurization, distillation, etc.

  20.     List of vessel(s) used to store and age the wine, source of materials used to create the vessel(s), age of vessel(s), number of vintages used, and if vessel(s) will be re-used again.

  21.    List and description of any carbon capture practices employed.

  22.    List of energy sources used for all operations, and total amount used of each kind during the entire vintage year.

  23.    Full description of waste disposal or treatment for all winery and vineyard operations including: sewage, trash, fruit skins/stems/seeds after pressing, cleaning water, etc.

  24. Website, point of contact, and contact information for the winery, as well as winery location.

Other factors that will impact the total EWS include:

1.      The weight of the bottle. (Because of this, canned wines and bottled wines will be judged as separate categories.)

2.      The producer’s transparency, on label and website, about vineyard/orchard/farm/field/forest and winemaking practices.

3. Fruit variety (appropriateness to the climate where grown, indigenous genetics, reflection of terroir, etc.).

4.      The sensory experience (taste, smell, texture, appearance) of the wine.

*Please Note: Please submit your wine with as much of the requested information as possible. We will score every wine submitted regardless of information supplied, but incomplete information will result in point deductions.

Thank you!